Foundation stewardship

Stewardship is an often-used word yet an often-misunderstood idea. It’s more than making good use of your money. 

The simplest definition of stewardship is taking care of something that has been entrusted to you. 

A 10-Day Guide to Repurposing your Wealth
for Kingdom Impact

Repurposing your Wealth for Kingdom Impact

The idea of stewardship is most often related to use of money. But the kind of “foundational stewardship” we’re talking about is more than wealth management. 

Foundational stewardship is an act of faith as you take what God has given you and make it available to be used for His Kingdom purposes. 

You are not only taking care to manage your God-given resources today, but you are laying a foundation for a solid future—for your family and for the world. It may sound ambitious but foundational stewardship is more than building a strong retirement account. How you choose to use your resources today can have significant, lasting impact both for those closest to you and for people in need in your community and around the world. 

Foundational stewardship is more than building a strong retirement account

The world’s message about wealth is simple—increase, increase, increase. God’s message is a paradigm shift—give so that you might receive, be last so that you might be first, lose so that you might gain

Stewardship is more than generosity. It’s sowing today so that we can reap in the future. And when we sow with a kingdom focus, we will reap not only for ourselves, but for our families and for the “least of these” that God has called us to love.

For more, download the guide.

A 10-Day Guide to Repurposing your Wealth
for Kingdom Impact